
Jun 11, 2024

by FBN Network

An effective chemical program can help you get the most out of your input investments and protect your crop yield. Here are 10 helpful tips our agronomists and other experts have shared in previously published FBN blogs. Click on the blog links to read the full articles. 1. Identify Nutrient Deficie

Jun 11, 2024

by FBN Network

As you start to think about using fungicide and insecticide applications this year to combat disease and pests, you’ll want to consider the best ways to get the most out of your application. The last thing you want is yield loss. Let’s look at the seven things to know before applying insecticides an

May 29, 2024

by FBN Network

With more fungicide active ingredients coming off patent in the coming years, you’ll soon have even more crop protection products to consider. Typically, patents expire 20 years after patent filing. That opens the door for other manufacturers to produce generic formulations that may be more affordab

May 27, 2024

by Colin Pennington

Once a crop has emerged, there are additional foliar options that can help provide balanced nutrition and limit the impact of abiotic stress. Whether it’s the weather, stress from other pesticides or nutrient deficiencies that just don ’t show until later, it’s equally as important to understand what

May 24, 2024

by FBN Network

The number of herbicide-resistant weeds continues to grow every year, putting crop quality and yield at risk. To date, there are more than 270 species of herbicide-resistant weeds around the world that impact a wide variety of crops. To proactively delay resistant weed development, farmers should pr

Because applying plant growth regulators can help diminish reliance on fertilizers and pesticides, they are popular for sustainable agriculture . In this post, we’ll cover: What Are Plant Growth Regulators?, 5 Types of Plant Growth Regulators, Auxins, Cytokinins, Gibberellins, Abscisic Acid, Ethylen

May 16, 2024

by FBN Network

You may have noticed more generic insecticide products available from your retailer in recent years. Crop protection patents typically expire after 20 years, which opens the opportunity to generic alternatives that are usually more affordable. However, the phrase “you get what you pay for” may have

Apr 12, 2024

by FBN Network

It’s time to dust off those math skills as you plan for spring chemical applications. Start with a few simple calculations to ensure you have enough product in the shed to complete the job. If you do the math now, you’ll only purchase what you need and won’t have to worry about storing and handling

Apr 04, 2024

by Norm

Crop oil concentrates (COC) and non-ionic surfactants (NIS) are both adjuvants used in agriculture to improve the effectiveness of pesticides, including herbicides , insecticides , and fungicides . However, they differ in composition and function, which influences their use in various situations. Cr