Verified FBN Member (MS)


what is the cause of this?? New Farmer any advice helps

  • what is the cause of this?? New Farmer any advice helps
  • what is the cause of this?? New Farmer any advice helps


Verified FBN Member (LA)

Definitely looks like some kind of insect damage or small hail damage.


Matt Caron
FBN Employee

I’m going to second Steve’s comment. For a beginner you have some really big corn for this time of year.

Looks like insect damage or possibly some environmental damage along the side the leaf. It’s tuff to say without more data.

But I would scout by slowly turning leaves over to look at the under side. And pull the leaf back by the color where it meets the stalk. If you see any “critters take ...



Verified FBN Member (MI)

I would sure like to know where this photo is from, South America, sure isn't any corn that big in United States yet


Verified FBN Member (KS)

He's in Mississippi, so not a surprise the corn is that big. They plant quite a bit earlier than you do in Michigan.

Verified FBN Member (OR)

The second picture looks like cucumber beetle damage


Verified FBN Member (IL)

hail and/or wind damage at an earlier stage of the crop