Have you tried using #InhabitP instead of another starter #fertilizer? Tell me about your experiences. Are you using it in-furrow, 2X2, or another way? Are you using it on #corn or other crops? If you are planning to use it for the first time, what was the driving factor that led you to try it? Your response may be displayed on other FBN.com pages. By posting a response, you agree to the terms at https://www.fbn.com/product-talk-disclosures
I haven't personally tried it yet, but once this rain clears up, I do have some on the way that I will be testing this year. I plan to put it up against our normal 10-34-0/1 qt Z, and against nothing. Should be interesting!
We've had success blending some chelated zinc with Inhabit P as well, so long as the Inhabit P is diluted with water according to the label before adding the zinc. Happy testing, and keep us in the loop!
Looking forward to seeing/hearing the results!
what is a good mix of all these inhabit products for a complete starter package. I see water would need to be added if running alone.
I am interested in the “build” the “start” and the “catalyst adv”
Or just adding a small amount to an existing 6-24-6 program what these are intended for?
Looking for recommendations. Thanks in advance
Everything in the "Inhabit" lineup also contains a unique microhumate that improves compatibility with other products, especially other Inhabit products. The exact blend that would work best for you depends largely on your soil type, fertility, equipment setup, and yield goals. For example, if you wanted to blend Inhabit Build with a 6-24-6, the 6-24-6 would be carrying the bulk of the load in pro...