Category: Insecticides, Big Order Discount Eligible
Species: Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Swine, Poultry, Sheep/Goat
Active Ingredient(s): permethrin
Get 8% off qualifying animal health products when you spend $5,000 or more
Get 5% off qualifying animal health products when you spend $3,000-$4,999.
Manufacturer state registration
GardStar 40% EC Livestock and Premise Insecticide is a non-restricted use, emulsifiable concentrate formulation containing permethrin. This synthetic pyrethroid is highly active against many arthropod pests both as an insecticide and as a repellent on nearly all species of livestock, horses, dogs and their premises.
Effectiveness: Gardstar 40% EC is active against all major ectoparasites of livestock. In addition, it is effective as a residual premise treatment against house flies, stable flies, fire ants, ticks (including deer ticks) and many other nuisance pests.
Product Advantages:
One of the most complete use labels for all dairy and beef cattle, sheep, goats, swine, poultry, horses, dogs and their premises.
Makes highly effective mound drench for long-term odor-free control of imported fire ants.
No withdrawal time for meat and milk when used on cattle, goats and sheep.
Highly concentrated, one 4 fl. oz bottle will treat one of the following:
393 cows for control of horn flies, lice and mange
196 hogs for control of lice and mange
2,360 chickens for control of mites and lice
13,111 sq. ft. of wall area for control of house flies and other nuisance pests inside livestock premises
Can be used in all area of dairy barns, including milk rooms.
Easy to measure and once mixed does not require further agitation.
Works well in low pressure pump-up sprayers or high pressure power sprayers.
Can be mixed with oil or water for premise sprays.
Can be mixed with oil for back rubber use.
Designed to be stable for up to 1 year when diluted to 0.5% in water unlike other permethrin based products.
GardStar® is a registered trademark of Y-Tex Corporation