Category: Implants, Big Order Discount Eligible
Species: Beef Cattle
Active Ingredient(s): estradiol (16 mg); trenbolone acetate (80 mg); tylosin tartrate (29 mg)
Get 8% off qualifying animal health products when you spend $5,000 or more
Get 5% off qualifying animal health products when you spend $3,000-$4,999.
Refrigeration required
Each cartridge belt holds 20 doses of Component TE-IS with Tylan (trenbolone and estradiol and tylosin implant) Implants. Each dose of 5 pellets consists of 4 pellets containing a total of 80 mg of trenbolone acetate and 16 mg estradiol plus 1 pellet containing 29 mg tylosin tartrate as a local antibacterial. Component TE-IS (trenbolone and estradiol implant) Implants are recommended for use in growing beef steers fed in confinement for slaughter for INCREASED RATE OF WEIGHT GAIN AND IMPROVED FEED EFFICIENCY.
Component® and Tylan® are registered trademarks of Elanco US, Inc.