Colin Pennington
FBN Employee


2024 Corn Planting Progress Poll 5/23 Results

In what will be the final FBN Corn Planting Progress Poll of the season, we saw significant advancement across almost all major corn producing states and an increase in the national progress to 81%. This is up from just 39% two weeks ago. Compared to the USDA report earlier this week it would appear corn planting overall is at, or slightly above historical pace and the 5-year average of 71%.

The Dakotas saw the biggest increase with 60%+ gains in both states followed closely by Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin.

With the progress also comes some concern. Responses to the poll this week indicated an increasing number of growers faced with both replant and potential prevent plant acres. Let us know in the comments below how your planting is progressing and what concerns are top of mind for you moving into the season.

Thank you to the 3,530 members who responded this week. Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

2024 Corn Planting Progress Poll 5/23 Results